• In Latin II, we pick up where we left off in Latin I - we finish unit 2 of the Cambridge Latin Course and move into Unit 3. 

    In Latin II, we increase our knowldge of intermediate Latin vocabulary and grammar while learning about life in two of Rome's provinces - Britan and Egypt. 

    As we increase our knowledge of Latin vocabulary and grammar and improve our reading comprehension skills, we also generally cover some cultural infomation including: 

    1. Life in the provinces versus Rome

    2. Beliefs of people from Britian and Egypt

    3. The Roman bathhouse at Bath, England including worship and curse tablets

    4. The Roman army and military

    5. Some supplemental information may be presented about the overall history of Rome including aspects of the Monarchy, Republic, and Empire

    During this course, we increase our Latin skills to prepare us for Latin III, where we eventually read excerpts of authentic Latin prose and poetry. 

Unit 2
Unit 3
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