• Scholar’s Bowl is a game or a competition in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all general areas of knowledge including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, sports, popular culture, and more. It is considered a competitive, academic, and interscholastic activity. There are district, state and national levels of competition.

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  • Mrs. Breland (rmB205)

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  • Room: B205 Mrs. Breland's room

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  • 1. We have 1 - 2 mandatory practices a week.

    2. There are 4 members on the competition team and 2 alternates.

    3. We have competitions on the weekends.

    4. Fees are $50 to become a member. Before each tournament each member is responsible to pay tournament fees and related costs.

    5. Officers will be voted on.

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