- James Clemens High School
- JCHS School Nurse Homepage
Health Services
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Contact Nurse June and Nurse Amira at JCHSnurse@madisoncity.k12.al.us
Wish list:
- Feminine products
- Tampons (super/regular)
- Pads (all sizes, except liners)
- Clorox wipes
- Lysol spray
On this page:
- Scoliosis screening information for 9th graders
- Respiratory illness guidelines for covid, flu, rsv, etc.
- Urgent care directory
- Feminine products
Scoliosis screenings will be performed on Thursday, March 21, 2024 during 1st block (8:12 a.m.-9:42 a.m.) for those 9th graders that return the opt-in form.
The screenings will be completed by the school nurses with your student's privacy in mind. Your child will need to be able to provide the nurses with a clear view of their back.
If you wish for your student to complete the screening, please print off the form and return it via email or have your student bring it to the clinic before Thursday, March 21st.
I have received a few questions regarding the recent emails sent out about the Madison City Schools illness guidelines and would like to address them with you.
- The north Alabama area has seen an increase in the number of cases of flu, covid, strep, bronchitis, RSV, along with just a regular viral respiratory illness. We are seeing similar patterns in our school.
- I understand that some families are having difficulty getting an appointment with their pediatrician or family doctor. Fortunately, our area is blessed to have a wide variety of urgent care centers that are able to test and treat illness. I have compiled a list of Local Urgent Care Clinics for information.
- Luckily, most of the illnesses listed above have treatment options available to ease symptoms and promote a quick recovery. Tamiflu and Xofluza are proven to help with the flu if taken soon after symptoms begin.
- Please send in a copy of any doctor's excuses to jchsnurse@madisoncity.k12.al.us and/or jchsattendance@madisoncity.k12.al.us
Medications for the school year:
1. Prescription medications need to have a Parent/Provider Authorization (PPA) form filled out by a physician.
2. Over-the-counter medications have to be in the unopened, unexpired, original container. A PPA will be filled out when the medication is brought in.
** Only acetaminophen, ibuprofen, dramamine, and benadryl can be kept in the clinic without a doctor's authorization.
3. All medication has to be brought in by a parent/guardian.
4. Students are NOT allowed to carry medication on them. Emergency medication (inhalers, epipens, etc.) can be carried by a student if the physician authorizes it. A PPA needs to be filed in the nurse's clinic.
Health services forms: Medication forms available here.
Phone: Work: 256-216-5313 Fax: 256-258-8017
Degrees and Certifications:
JCHS Clinic Nurses
June Lawniczak, MSN-PH, RN, NCSN