• This year, to comply with district policy and better serve my students, students will keep their phones in a locked "Phone Lounge" while in my class. They will retrieve it at the end of class. 

    Students must also use their school-issued Chromebooks. They are not permitted to use personal laptops or ipads.

image of StudySync textbook cover grade 11
  • Required Texts 

    Please use this link to review the Course Syllabus for Honors English 11.

    Daily Work is posted on Schoology along with lesson materials.  If absent, please check Schoology for your work.

    Required Texts 

    Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck

    Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds

    Into the Wild by Krakauer

    The Crucible by Arthur Miller

    Additional novel extracts are available for free in Schoology as a digital text and/or I will have hard copies in class. We will also read a variety of short stories, essays, visual texts, and poetry. 

    Textbook-StudySync Reading and Writing Companion (Volumes 1 and 2): There is a physical copy of this in the classroom. At home, students can access the materials through a digital login by selecting McGraw-Hill in the left column of our Schoology course. This should take students to a "launch app" page. From there, select "library" and search for the text.