- James Clemens High School
- SGM Samuel D. McCray
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Phone: (256) 216-5313
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration JROTC Instructor Certification Civilian Marksmanship Instructor Certification NASP Archery Instructor Certification CPR and AED Certification
Mr. Samuel D. McCray
Sergeant Major Samuel D. McCray is a native of Pensacola, Florida. He began his military career in August 1982. He completed basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky and advanced individual training at Fort Lee, Virginia. Sergeant Major McCray served over 31 years on active duty before retiring in 2013. He began his second career as a JROTC instructor in 2013. He served in Operation Desert Storm with 249th Supply Company and Operation Iraqi Freedom with 4th Sustainment Brigade. He has been married to the former Cynthia M. Cooper for 32 years. They have two children, Bryant and Amber.
Sergeant Major McCray's duty assignments include Squad Leader, 249th Supply Company, Fort Bragg, NC; Section Chief, 403rd Transportation Company, Fort Bragg, NC; Platoon Sergeant, A Company, 125th Forward Support Battalion, Mannheim, Germany; Item Manager, 20th Support Center, Fort Lewis, WA; Senior Drill Sergeant and First Sergeant, 244th Quartermaster Battalion, Fort Lee, VA; First Sergeant, 364th Supply Company, Fort Bragg, NC; S3 Operations Sergeant, 264th Corps Support Battalion, Fort Bragg, NC; S3 Operations Sergeant, 46th Support Group, Fort Bragg, NC; Operations Sergeant Major, 2d Forward Support Battalion, Camp Hovey, Korea; S4 Sergeant Major, 1st Medical Brigade, Fort Hood, TX; Operation Sergeant Major, 4th Sustainment Brigade, Fort Hood, TX; S4 Sergeant Major and Interim Command Sergeant Major, 65th Medical Brigade, Yongsan, Korea; and G3 Operations Division Sergeant Major, Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, AL.
His decorations, medals, badges, citations, and campaign ribbons include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal (2), Meritorious Service Medal (6), Army Commendation Medal (4), Army Achievement Medal (8), Meritorious Unit Commendation, Army Good Conduct Medal (10), National Defense Service Medal (2), South West Asia Service Medal with Bronze Service Star, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal with Campaign Star (2), Noncommissioned Professional Development Ribbon (4), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (4), Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi), Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait), Army Combat Service Identification Badge, Drill Sergeant Badge, Parachutist Badge, Driver Badge, Expert Marksmanship Badge, and German Jump Wings.
Sergeant Major McCray's military education includes the Basic Leadership Course (Commandant's list for academic achievement), Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course (Honor Graduate/Commandant's list for academic achievement), Advanced Noncommissioned Course (Commandant's list for academic achievement), Drill Sergeant School (Commandant's list), First Sergeant Course, Sergeants Major Course, Equal Opportunity Course, Safety Organization and Management Course, and Program Manager Course.
Sergeant Major McCray's civilian education includes a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration (Magna Cum Laude).