• The following books are kept in the Engineering classroom. While these books are not used as textbooks for instruction, they are available to students.

    50 Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius

    Is There an Engineer Inside You?

    Airpower Journal (Fall 1998)

    Joint Command and Control Warfare Staff and Operations Course (Student Text)

    Awesome Paper Airplanes

    Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands

    Celebrating Apollo 11

    Nuclear Weapons Effects Course

    Chemistry – A Study of Matter (DVD)

    Rapid Development

    Classic World War II Aircraft Cutaways

    Raytheon Six Sigma Memory Jogger II

    From Flares to Satellites, A History of Air Force Communications

    Riding Rockets

    Gleim Pilot Handbook

    Rotorcraft Flying Handbook

    GPS Principles and Applications

    Swanson’s Unwritten Rules of Management

    High Flying Paper Airplanes

    The Space Race

    Illustrated Guide to Aerodynamics

    Whitewings – Excellent Paper Airplanes

    Intro to Business Statistics