- James Clemens High School
- Latin Club Homepage
Salvete, and Welcome to Latin Club!!
Last school year, even though circumstances were a little shaky, we were still able to participate in some events such as the Virtual Fall Forum hosted by UA Tuscaloosa and our State Latin Convention (also held virtually).
For the 2021-2022 School Year, I am hoping that we will get to add in more of the activities that we usually do!
Common Latin Club Activities
Some common activities in previous years include: the Homecoming Parade, Fall Forum, JC world language holiday party, joint Madison City Saturnalia party in December, spring lunch awards ceremony (only optional if Refuel returns), plus meetings and service projects. I don't know how much we will get to do this year, but even if it's not all of that, we always still have fun!
We will try to meet in person 1-2 times a month in person. Please fill out the form included on this page to specify what dates and times would be best for you to join meetings in person. (If needed, we will add in a virtual option, but in person is usually better as we discuss and plan activities.) We will have sign-ups for Club officers shortly after the first weeting.
We have an active GroupMe where we keep people informed of meetings and other cool Latin things we come across :) If you end up joining Latin Club, we will add you to the GroupMe when we meet in person.
Dues for Latin Club will consist of monies needed to be collected to register with the state and national organizations. We usually create a Latin Club shirt based on the convention theme each year, which is optional at an additional cost. The total cost of dues will be announced at the first meeting.
Interest Form
If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form attached called "Latin Club Interest Form" so that I can contact you! You can also stop by my room C220 if you have any questions!
Magistra Shratter -
Latin teacher and Latin Club and Honor Socitey Sponsor
National Junior Classical League Website
As members of the JCHS Latin Club, dues are paid to the national and state Classical organizations - the NJCL - National Junior Classical League - and AJCL - Alabama Junior Classical League.
The NJCL is the national organization for students of the Classics - Latin and Greek language, history, and culture. The NJCL runs a national convention each year, is the main sponsor of Latin Honor Society, and they run the National Latin Exam, which we usually give in the spring at JC - plus they do many other things!
The AJCL (Alabama Junior Classical League) has strived the past couple years to create the atmosphere and activities of the National Latin Convention at home at our annual Alabama Latin Convention. We have had students from our Latin Club attend national convention and apply to scholarships through the NJCL due to high National Latin Exam scores.
Please feel free to go to the NJCL website and take a look around!

If you are interested in joining Latin Club, please contact me at ashratter@madisoncity.k12.al.us
We have an active GroupMe account that we post announcements in, and this year we will start a Schoology group page for forms, announcements, and discussions.