- James Clemens High School
- Gay-Straight Alliance Homepage

JCHS Gay-Straight Alliance
Welcome to the JCHS Gay-Straight Alliance, sponsor: Liz Vaughn. Direct all questions to her: elvaughn@madisoncity.k12.al.us
"GSA clubs, or GSAs for short, are student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied students to build community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and communities. GSA clubs have evolved beyond their traditional role to serve as safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth in middle schools and high schools, and have emerged as vehicles for deep social change related to racial, gender, and educational justice beyond individual schools.
A growing body of research confirms that the presence of a GSA club has a positive and lasting effect on student health, wellness, and academic performance. It can also protect students from harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and improve school climates for all students in the long-term.
Through GSA organizing, trans and queer young people are able to launch campaigns on a variety of issues that affect all students across the country."
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be James Clemens High School Gay-Straight Alliance, known as GSA.
Article II - Purpose
The James Clemens High School Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) will:
- Promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere for all people.
- Work to combat misconceptions and prejudgments of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals.
- Raise awareness among students, faculty members, and staff of LGBT culture and history.
- Encourage individuality, growth, and understanding within James Clemens High School campus.
- Improve visibility of LGBT individuals attending or employed by James Clemens High School.
- Provide support and a voice for LGBT students, faculty members, and staff.
Article III - Membership
Membership is open to all James Clemens High School students, alumni, employees with interest in participating; however, only currently enrolled James Clemens students may vote on club-related business or hold office in this organization. There will be no dues for membership.
Article IV – Officers
There shall be no officers. All members of this organization shall have equal clout and authority in it. Should a situation arise wherein a vote cannot decide an appropriate and fair outcome, the teacher sponsor shall be the tie-breaker.
Article VI - Amendments
The following outlines the procedure for amending the constitution.
- Any member may propose an amendment to the constitution.
- A special meeting should be called to discuss the amendment (s).
- A majority vote of attendees is required to approve the amendment (s).
- Any amendment (s) must be approved by a James Clemens High School teacher sponsor and/or administration.
- The Teacher Sponsor shall revise the constitution. This constitution for The James Clemens High School Gay-Straight Alliance was approved and last revised on the following dates:
Adopted – 17 April 2018
Revised - ____________