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Supt School Event Touts Successes, Challenges
There was a great turnout August 21st for the 2nd annual Back-to-School kickoff for Madison City Schools, co-hosted by the Madison City Chamber of Commerce.
A packed crowd gathered in CrossPointe Church for highlights on growth, academic performance, current and future facilities and school expansions/additions/needs, and more.
One highlight of the program was BJHS engineering teacher Jessye Gaines talking about the importance of student internships and how businesses can partner with schools by providing such opportunities for MCS students.

BJHS engineering teacher Jessye Gaines
Superintendent Dr. Ed Nichols gave an informative presentation on system growth and the challenge of keeping ahead of it while maintaining academic excellence, operations and facilities, and support services.
BJHS engineering teacher Jessye Gaines
Superintendent Dr. Ed Nichols gave an informative presentation on system growth and the challenge of keeping ahead of it while maintaining academic excellence, operations and facilities, and support services.
Impactful slides showed our district's budget compared to other school districts in areas like per-pupil overall spending rank (134th lowest of 149 Alabama school districts); federal funding rank in Alabama (146th of 149) and rank in local spending (36th of 149 statewide).
He also highlighted some operational features like 6,600 pupils transported daily, 1567 employees, and steady enrollment growth of 300-plus students a year, which will greatly surpass that this year with Madison’s booming housing growth.

Nichols remarks reflected on the historic communitywide support for our schools, dedicated teachers and employees, the performance of our students, enrollment trends, growth projections and more.
MCS thanks the Madison City Chamber and all of the Community Partners for their strong support for our schools.