• Theatre Department


    Beginning Theatre

    • 9 Weeks Course
    • This course will offer students exposure to basic theatre knowledge and acting skills. Students will build confidence and become more comfortable expressing themselves in front of others.

    Intermediate Theatre

    • Semester Course
    • Fee: $50
    • Students are introduced to various aspects of performing. Topics will include improvisation, pantomime, voice and diction, acting principles, make-up, short production skits, monologues and variety of drama. Students conclude the semester course with a one-act play production.

    Advanced Theatre

    • Semester Course
    • 6th-8th Grade Students
    • Prerequisite: Audition and/or Instructor Approval
    • Fee: $50
    • This course will allow students to build upon foundations of vocal, kinesthetic, emotional, analytical, and intellectual elements of theatrical training through improvisation, dramatization, process-centered elements of dramatic performance, aesthetics, criticism, and history. In addition, this course will focus on one major production each semester. Students must either audition and be approved with a one minute monologue, or obtain instructor approval to register. After school productions and some rehearsals will take place at the high school auditorium and will be mandatory. Students may also be required to participate in fundraising for the program.


    Junior Thespian Society

    An honor society for theatre students. Inductions and more information about joining will be announced and put in the newsletter.