• Art club will begin meeting on September 11, 2024.  Art club takes place from 3:20-4:15. Pickup time is from 4:15-4:30 in the car line. There is no signup sheet or form. Students can show up on whatever Wednesdays work best for them.

    Art club is a group of students who love to make art together. 

    Who We Are: A creative group of individuals who seek out opportunities to make art in a fun and friendly environment.

    What We Do: Create art!

    When We Meet: Wednesdays after school until 4:15

    Where We Meet: Ms. Smith's classroom, Room 132

    Club fee? none

    Want to get involved? You do not have to be in an art class to get involved. See Ms. Smith for details.

    Questions? Contact Ms. Smith 

    Email: mrsmith@madisoncity.k12.al.us