Selecting courses is one of the most important tasks for students and parents. Proper course selection allows students to meet graduation requirements, explore possible career interests, prepare for post-secondary education opportunities, and engage in activities they enjoy. Course selection is vital to the school as well, as our schedule for the next school year is prepared based on the choices our students make now. The number of teachers hired, teaching assignments, and the specific courses offered each school year are decided based on the courses requested by students during course selection in the spring.

    To make all of these different pieces work together, it is imperative that students make the correct course choices now. The school’s role in course selection is to confirm with the student his/her choices, and verify that the courses selected are wanted and/or needed by the student.  Once this process is completed in the spring, schedule changes will be limited. Students should expect to stay in the courses they choose. 

    Changes will be made based on misplacement. Simply changing one’s mind after the schedule is built, or believing a course is “too hard” are not valid reasons to change classes. Therefore, we expect students and parents to choose next year’s courses wisely. The counseling office and administration are here to assist in any way possible. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us.

     After the registration deadline, to make schedule changes, the following are the only reasons a change will be considered:

    • You have an "EMPTY" spot in your schedule.
    • You are missing a core class (English, Math, Science, History).
    • You are missing a course or courses needed to meet graduation requirements.
    • You’ve already taken and passed a course in your schedule.
    • Athletic PE or Band was left off your schedule, etc.


    True circumstantial requests may be considered, but will not be guaranteed. 

    FALL SEMESTER: We will review schedule change requests for the year and adjust those that warrant them during the first 2–3 days of the start of school. Schedule corrections (to fix errors like those listed above) will have priority.

    SPRING SEMESTER: We will look at circumstantial change requests and those due to scheduling errors (not because you no longer want to take an elective that you chose) that are submitted for the spring classes by December 1st. Change request forms during those times will be made available in the counseling center upon request. 

    Example reasons why a schedule change WILL NOT be considered:

    • You'd like a specific teacher
    • You want to have your classes at specific times or in a specific order
    • You requested a class, and now you no longer want to take it
    • You don't like the teacher
    • You want to be in a class with a friend, etc.

    AP & Honors Courses:

    • Once selected, AP and Honors courses cannot be dropped without administrator approval (choose wisely).

    We take a great deal of time to develop our master schedule and balance classes to accommodate students based on the selections they make in the spring, so PLEASE choose wisely. Look at the course descriptions and schedule an appointment with your counselor if needed.


      Off blocks are provided to 11th and 12th graders who are enrolled in a virtual class, enrolled in Co-Op, or enrolled in an approved dual enrollment course ONLY. In order to receive an off block, you must be enrolled in:

      • A virtual course
      • A dual enrollment course, OR
      • Co-Op


      • Have transportation (YOU CANNOT remain on campus during that time)
      • Be on track for graduation