• Counselor Role and Responsibilities

    The counselors at Discovery Middle School are responsible for providing outstanding services to students, families, teachers and administrators in order to maximize student success.  We strive to enhance our students’ experience at DMS by promoting their emotional, academic and social well-being.

    DMS School Counselors:

    Mr. Jonathan Barnett

    Mr.Barnett may be reached at jjbarnett@madisoncity.k12.al.us or (256) 837-3735 ext. 82113

    Ms. Constance Long

    Ms. Long may be reached at cslong@madisoncity.k12.al.us or (256) 837-3735 ext. 82127

    Mrs. Kelle Moody  

    Mrs. Moody may be reached at kmoody@madisoncity.k12.al.us or (256) 837-3735 ext. 82126