• 7th and 8th Grade Art Club  

    7th and 8th Grade Art Club Application: CLICK HERE

    The 7th and 8th grade Art Club is open to all DMS students that have a passion and appreciation for art, even if they do not take art electives. The online application to join will open on August 11. If you are interested in joining Art Club, read the information and click the link to access the application starting Monday, August 12. The application is due by Friday, August 23rd. **Please note: 7th & 8th Grade Art Club will be limited to only 25 members. The first 30 applicants will be taken, while additional applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Students will be notified in writing if they made it into the club or if they are on the waiting list.

    Art Club Application Link

    MEMBERSHIP Students do not have to be enrolled in an art elective to become a member, but it is important for potential art club members to have a strong interest in art. They must also be able to work well with other members, follow instructions, and behave in a mature and appropriate manner. 

    **Students must have their own transportation home and be picked up from meetings on time.**

    Meetings will be held on Thursday afternoons, twice a month. We start right after school and end promptly at 4:30. The first meeting will be on September 7th. A complete list of dates will go home with students before the first meeting. Students must have a signed Art Club contract/parent permission form in order to attend meetings. All members must have their own transportation home and be picked up from meetings on time.

    Art Club is not a class. There are no grades or deadlines, and members will not be penalized for missing meetings. In Art Club we experiment with a variety of art materials and tools in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Students are presented with a theme or project at each meeting and have the option to make art independently or with other club members. 

    There is a $10 non-refundable fee which pays for consumable art materials used throughout the year. Students must be paid members in order to attend Art Club meetings.

    6th Grade Art Club

    Membership: Sixth Grade Art Club is an extracurricular privilege that provides opportunities for projects and a community for sixth grade students who are passionate about Art. Each meeting encourages creativity and friendship during students’ first year at Discovery Middle. If you love to make Art and are looking for like-minded friends, this is the place for you. Sixth Grade Art Club is open to all sixth grade DMS students, even if they do not take art electives. 

    Fee: There is a $10 non-refundable fee that must be paid to attend art club meetings.

    Meeting Dates/Times: The club meets every other Thursday in Mrs. Nalty's Room 104. Starting August 22nd. After school 3;20-4:30. Parent pick up in front loop promptly at 4:30.

    Complete this online form. Limited to 25 students. The first 25 students will be taken. Additional applicants will be placed on a waitlist.

    **The online application will close Friday August 23rd, 2024.