Where Learning is a Journey, Not a Destination
Tylia Lowe (8th) - Assistant Editor
Sophie Kindall (8th) - Assistant Editor
Thomas Barbee (8th)
Brooke Bennefield (6th)
Olivia Cochran (6th)
Lily Goodall (7th)
Chloe Henderson (6th)
Tori Hunt (8th)
Suzy Jensen (8th)
Adalynn Loomis (6th)
Liara Mullins (6th)
Charlotte Panos (7th)
Eleanor Perry (6th)
Brianna Robeson (6th)
Lyra Scharf (7th)
Tatum Thaxton (8th)
Callie Waye (8th)
Riley Wilkerson (7th)
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at blsimons@madisoncity.k12.al.us .