- Columbia Elementary School
- Announcements
Thursday, February 13th
Please click this link to read next week’s newsletter: February 17-21. Thank you for taking the time to read the newsletter each week!
Please return the green practice folder on Tuesday.
Please return the Report of Learning folder with the signed progress report tomorrow. Thank you!
Please send your child's valentines tomorrow if you forgot to send them today.
Have a great long weekend!
Monday, February 10th
We have a new student joining our class tomorrow. His name is Kaison. Please add his name to the list of classmates on the Valentine's Home Project note. Your child's valentine is a great way to welcome him to our classroom. Send your child's valentine cards to school on Thursday. Thank you!
This week we will be studying Qq, Uu, and Xx during 95% Phonics. Please click this link to read about more activities you can do with your child: 95% Phonics Lesson 15
Thank you for returning your child’s Green Practice Folder today. Remember, this folder should be returned every Monday to be updated. If you forgot it today, please send it tomorrow!
Progress Reports will be sent home this Wednesday, February 12th in the Report of Learning Folders. Please read over it, sign it and return it to school by Friday, February 14th.
Email me if you watched the subtraction video. If you didn't have time to watch it last week, watch it today. Thank you!
- Wednesday, February 12th is a half-day. School will dismiss at 11:30.
- School will be closed on Monday, February 17th in honor of President's Day.
Thursday, February 6th
Click the link to read next week’s newsletter: February 10 - 14 Thank you for taking the time to read the newsletter each week.
Reminder from 2nd Semester Parent Night-Please continue to work on learning the Kindergarten sight words and addition and subtraction facts with your child. Remember a great way to work on these skills is with flashcards. Another great way to help your child read smoothly, accurately, and with expression is to give them 10 minutes of your undivided attention and listen to them read the passages in the Green Practice Folder. The more your child practices their reading skills, the better a reader he/she will become.
This is the subtraction video I spoke about at Parent Night. I made this video to share tips for understanding the 21 subtraction facts. You can use this video two ways. First, watch the video and use the information while helping your child with subtraction facts. Then, you can have your child watch the video. Subtraction Video These are the strategies we've taught for knowing the subtraction facts fluently: Strategies to Master Subtraction Facts
As we move through the flu season, we want to ensure that our students and staff stay as healthy as possible. Recently, we have seen an increase in flu cases, and many students are coming to school with deep coughs, runny noses, and sneezing. Some students with the flu do not run a fever. Unfortunately, young children often struggle to properly cover their coughs and sneezes, which leads to the spread of germs throughout the classroom. To help keep everyone healthy, please keep your child home if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms, such as fever, persistent cough, excessive runny nose, or body aches. Resting at home not only helps them recover more quickly but also prevents the illness from spreading to others. We appreciate your support in keeping our school a safe and healthy place for learning. Thank you for your partnership in keeping our students well!
Wednesday, February 12th, is a half-day. School will dismiss at 11:30. Extended Day will be closed. If you haven’t already done so, please complete the Google Form by tomorrow morning. Thank you! The link was in Monday's post.
Please remember to return the green Practice Folders on Monday. The completed Practice Sheet can be sent back to me in the green folder. Thank you!
Monday, February 3rd
This week we will be studying Yy and Vv during 95% Phonics. Please click this link to read about more activities you can do with your child: 95% Phonics Lesson 14
Thank you for sending the green Practice Folders today! Everyone that was at school remembered to bring their Practice Folder. Wow! Thank you! When returning the green Practice Folder each Monday, please put the practice sheet back in the front pocket of the folder.
Multicultural Night is Friday, February 7th, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. I love this annual Columbia event. I hope your family comes and has a great time!
Wednesday, February 12th, is a half-day of school. I need one parent to fill out this Google Form. This will provide me with changes in transportation as well as let me know who will be buying lunch. School will dismiss at 11:30.
Please continue working on writing names for the valentines. You will send in the valentines in a Ziploc bag on Thursday, February 13th. Each student will pass out their valentines. That means your child will also need to be able to read and match the name he/she wrote to that child’s name on their valentine bag. If you lost the Valentine Home Project note or don't understand what your child needs to do, please send me an email so I can help. If you can help provide heart stickers for the students to decorate the Valentine bags that would be so helpful! I have the bags purchased, we just need valentine stickers. Thank you!
Friday, January 31st
Thank you for attending 2nd Semester Parent Night! If you missed the meeting, please take time to read through the slides: 2nd Semester Parent Night It would be beneficial for those that attended to read through the slides again too. I added extra notes throughout to help explain pictures that are shared in the slides. Thank you for doing all you can to support your child's academic growth.
Please click this link to read next week’s newsletter: February 3-7
Please return the green Practice Folders and the January Reading Log on Monday. The completed Practice Sheet can be sent back to me in the green folder.
If your family completes the January challenge, please send a note or an email and your child will receive 2 Good Time tickets on Monday. I hope you have enjoyed spending extra family time together by playing board games and reading with your child!
Our Multicultural Night is scheduled for Friday, February 7th in the Gym and Cafeteria starting at 6PM. This is a fun opportunity for your child to learn more about the various cultures around us.
Kids Heart Challenge is back!! Kids Heart Challenge is a fundraiser for the American Heart Association. The Kids Heart Challenge will start Feb 3 and ends Feb 28! Your child received the Kids Heart Challenge forms yesterday.
We will be decorating our Valentine's bag soon for our Valentine’s Day exchange. If you can donate stickers for this project, please send them in your child’s blue Daily Folder. Thank you!
Monday, January 27th
**Attention! Attention! Practice Folders Are Coming Home Today!** The children are bringing home their new Practice Folders today. These are the green folders you provided at the start of school. Everything you need to know about the Practice folder is written on a note inside the folder. Please be on the lookout for the Practice Folder.
IMPORTANT! 2nd Semester Parent Night is on Thursday. Please plan on sending the parent that works with your Kindergartner on their Practice Folder. We will begin in the library at 6:00.
Please keep working on the Valentine's Exchange Home Project. As your family works on writing valentine's, please have your child do the writing, not mom or dad. When your child has finished writing the names on the cards, please let your child practice reading the names. Your child will need to be able to read the name in order to drop the valentine in the correct bag. I sent this home early so the children have plenty of time to work on this project.
Class group pictures will be taken on Wednesday, January 29th. FLYER
This week is The Great Kindness Challenge. Please see this flyer for dress up days for the remainder of the week.
Chick-fil-a is sponsoring a district-wide contest. If you go to either of the Madison Chick-fil-a restaurants between January 21 and February 21, please send your receipt to school in your child's blue daily folder. We will add it to the classroom collection box. The top class will receive an IceDream Party with the Chick-fil-a cow and the top school in the district will receive $1000 for their PTA.
Friday, January 24
Please click this link to read next week’s newsletter: January 27-31
Yearbook orders are due January 27th. If you have not placed your order, please do so by this Monday. The form was sent home back in December. Mrs. Bolden has the form in her weekly newsletter too.
We’re looking forward to seeing one parent from each family at our 2nd Semester Parent Night on January 30th. We will meet in the Media Center at 6:00 pm. Feel free to arrive a few minutes early so you can sign in and get the handouts. Thank you for your support.
Next week is the Great Kindness Challenge. Refer to the flyer that was sent home for the dress up days.
We will take our class picture on Wednesday, January 29th. If you want to order the class picture, turn in the form by Wednesday.
As soon as you have the $5.00 for the field trip, go ahead and send it in with the permission slip. Thank you!
Tuesday, January 21st
We have a 2-hour delay start tomorrow. The buses will adjust their route accordingly. Car line will adjust by 2 hours as well. Our lunch time is not delayed. We will still eat lunch at 10:20, so if possible, please have your child eat breakfast at home before 8:00, so they'll be hungry again at 10:20. Thank you!
Tomorrow is the 100th Day of School! I am looking forward to teaching a class full of 100-year-olds tomorrow! See last Thursday's post for all of the details.
Please return the Vision Screening form in your child's folder tomorrow.
During the next two weeks, we will be studying Zz, Kk, and short e during 95% Phonics. Please click this link to read about more activities you can do with your child: 95% Phonics Lesson 13 In the letter, it asks you to listen to your child read this week's story. Click this link to access the story: The Red Hat (I don't know why they chose to include the word gem in this story because it does not follow the phonics progression we've learned so far in their phonics program. The g says /j/ in gem. This is confusing to most Kindergarten students, so feel free to tell your child this word and move on.)
The PTA is hosting a Winter Spiritwear Sale. The flyer is in your child's folder today.
I want to encourage you to have your child start writing their valentine cards. Writing a few a day will help your child not have hand cramps. Thank you!
Chick-fil-a is sponsoring a district-wide contest. If you go to either of the Madison Chick-fil-a restaurants between January 21 and February 21, please send your receipt to school in your child's blue daily folder. We will add it to the classroom collection box. The top class will receive an IceDream Party with the Chick-fil-a cow and the top school in the district will receive $1000 for their PTA.
Thursday, January 16th
Click the link to read next week's newsletter: January 21-24. Please take time to read the newsletter. Thank you!
No school on Monday, January 20th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Mark your calendar for Second Semester Parent Night on Thursday, January 30th at 6:00 pm. You might notice we had to move the meeting up one week due to a conflict. Please plan for the parent who works with your child on the practice sheets to attend this event.
The 100th Day of School is Wednesday, January 22nd. The students can dress up on the 100th Day of School as if they were 100 years old. Ideas for the girls: hair in a bun, glasses, dress or sweater, pearls/bead necklace, wrinkles, etc. Ideas for the boys: suspenders, tie, cardigan sweater, glasses, wrinkles, etc. You can probably find most of these items around your house or in your dress-up box. It will be a fun day!
Today in your child’s folder you will see information about our Valentine's Exchange Home Project. As your family works on writing valentine's, please have your child do the writing, not mom or dad. When your child has finished writing the names on the cards, please let your child practice reading the names. Your child will need to be able to read the name in order to drop the valentine in the correct bag. I sent this home early so the children have plenty of time to work on this project.
The sign up for Duty Free Lunch for second semester was sent out earlier this week. Please see the link to sign up.
Help from home: We are now writing our first and last names on our papers. Your child will be assessed on this and is expected to be able to write their name with correct letter formation and orientation to the line. Please work on this with your child. Learning your last name, how to spell it, and writing it can be difficult and can take longer to master.
As soon as you have the $5.00 for the field trip, go ahead and send it in with the permission slip. Thank you!
Monday, January 13th
Thank you to everyone who returned Practice Sheet #12. Practice Sheet #13 went home today.
Here's the link to the newsletter again for those who overlooked it on Thursday: January 13-17
This week in 95% Phonics we are focusing on reviewing letters Oo, Ll, Rr, Cc, Ff, Jj, and Ww. Please click this link to read about more activities to do with your child. 95% Phonics Lesson 12
Menu Change: Since school was closed on Friday there has been a change in the weekly lunch menu. The cafeteria will be serving crispitos on Tuesday and spaghetti on Thursday.
Our next field trip is February 28th. The whole school will be going to the Dream Theatre to see our CES Drama Club perform High School Musical, Jr. Permission slips went home today. The cost of the field trip is $5. Checks should be made payable to CES Drama Club. Please send exact change. We can not make change. The money and permission slip are due by Friday February 7th. Since the whole school is going on this field trip chaperones are not needed.
Please continue being diligent about hand washing at home and helping to remind your child to keep their hands out of their nose and mouth.
Thursday, January 9th
Report of Learning Folders are coming home today with your child’s 2nd Nine weeks Report Card and Middle of the year Assessment reports (both DIBELS and iReady). Please read the 2nd Nine Weeks Report Card note in the front of your child’s folder. Please review the information, sign in the address box, and return the folder to school by Monday.
Please note that our second semester Parent Night is scheduled for Thursday, February 6th at 5:30.
Help from home: We are now writing our first and last names on our papers. Your child will be assessed on this and is expected to be able to write their name with correct letter formation and orientation to the line. Please work on this with your child. Learning your last name, how to spell it, and writing it can be difficult and can take longer to master.
This week in 95% Phonics we focused on the letters Jj and Ww. Please click this link to read about more activities to do with your child. 95% Phonics Lesson 11
No school tomorrow, January 10th, due to the forecasted potential for snow, ice, and hazardous road conditions.
Please read the following message from Mrs. Bolden: As you know after receiving Dr. Nichols' email, we will be CLOSED on Friday, January tenth, due to the likelihood of inclement weather. This means students will not be responsible for any e-learning assignments. Please note, I have asked our teachers to send home chrome books and chargers as a precautionary measure in the event we have an e-learning day Monday. At this time, I have no reason to believe we will be home on Monday, but I want to make sure our students and teachers have what they need if we happen to still be home.
I sent home your child's Chromebook charger in August. You already have it at home if we need it on Monday.
Please click this link to read next week's newsletter: January 13-17 Thank you for reading the newsletter each week.
Monday, January 6th
Happy New Year! I hope you and your family had a wonderful and relaxing break.
Here is next week's newsletter: January 6-10. Please take time to read the newsletter. Thank you!
The 3rd Nine Weeks of school is packed full of essential learning in Kindergarten. If your child is healthy, it is important for him/her to be at school on time each day, ready to learn. If your child is a car rider, we recommend going through the car line before 7:20. This will give your child plenty of time to walk to the classroom, unpack, zip their coat to their chair, and complete their morning work. If there is anything you need from me in order to make that happen, please reach out. I am here to help.
Flu cases normally start increasing at this time of year. Please review proper handwashing techniques with your child. Consider washing your child's backpack and lunchbox or wiping them down with Clorox wipes. I will keep the tables and door knobs sanitized often.
If your family completed the December challenge, please send a note or an email and your child will receive 4 Good Time tickets. The January challenge is one of my favorites! Please consider doing it with your family!
Friday, December 20th
The students are bringing home their Christmas Countdown today. There is a bag with the last 5 cotton balls that are needed to finish the countdown. Heads up - Several asked to bring their glue stick home because they said they didn't have one at home. They put it in their backpack.
Enjoy the break and have a wonderful Christmas with your family! Students return on Tuesday, January 7th.
Tuesday, December 17th
We had a wonderful Christmas party today! The students really had fun! Thank you to our room mom, Danica Wilson, for organizing the party and to all who sent in items to make the party a success! Also, thank you to the parents who were able to come and help with our party. Thank you all! You have spoiled me with Christmas gifts. I appreciate each one. I have a personal “Thank You” note in your child's folder today.
Your child is bringing home your Christmas present today. I hope you enjoy it and treasure it for years to come!
Rest mats will be coming home Wednesday. Please keep them at home until we return in January. Due to half day dismissal Thursday and Friday we will not have rest time.
Monday, December 16th
My new email address is lahester@madisoncity.k12.al.us. Please make sure you update this in your email contacts. I sent an email from my new account last Thursday. If you didn't receive it in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
Please remember that Thursday and Friday, December 19-20, are half days of school. We will be dismissed at 11:30 on these days. I will send rest mats home on Wednesday because they will not be needed for the half days. If you have not filled out the half day Google form, please do so today. I still need the form from 7 families. Here is the link: Half Day Google Form
Our class party will be tomorrow, December 17th at 8:30 in our classroom. Parents are welcome to join us for the party, no siblings please. Please remember that you will need to sign in at the front office.
Also, please remember to send a snack and water bottle daily with your child. We eat lunch at 10:20 and your child will be hungry by the time we have our afternoon snack. Thank you.
Monday, December 9thThis week in our 95% Phonics Program we are learning the letters Cc and Ff. Please click this link to find more activities to do with your child: 95% Phonics Activities.Our class holiday party will be on Tuesday, December 17th from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Please mark your calendar for this fun event. Our room mom, Danica Wilson, emailed each family last week with information about the party. She's only heard from 3 families, so she thinks it must be lost in your junk or spam folder. If you have not seen this email in your inbox, please specifically look in the other folders to find it. Here is the link to the sign-up for the party: Party Sign UpTomorrow is Grinch Day. Your child may wear green or dress like their favorite Grinch character.We've started our assessments for our 2nd Nine Week Report Cards. Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep each night and eats a healthy breakfast each morning. If you plan for your child to be absent, please let me know, so I can plan accordingly to assure missed assessments are completed.
Another Flu and Illness Reminder:
If your child has a fever he/she must be fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) before returning to school.
Students must also be free of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
Please do not be tempted to send your child back to school too soon. Children with the flu need time for their body to recover.
Thursday, December 5th
Click this link to read next week's newsletter: December 9-13
Columbia Yearbooks are on sale now through January 27th. They cost $30. The flyer is in folders today.
Please check folders today for an informational note about next week's sight word assessment. Note
We are collecting donations for a Christmas gift for our school's plant manager, four custodians, and five lunchroom workers. If you'd like to donate, we ask that you send cash donations in an envelope labeled "CES Holiday Donations" by December 13th. Thank you!
Please remember to send a coat/jacket each day. We go outside to recess every day if the "feels like temperature" is above 32 degrees.
Monday, December 2nd
Please do the DIBELS Practice Packet with your child tonight and tomorrow. Your support at home makes a world of difference for your child. Thank you for having your child take a few minutes on five days to read the page of words on Thanksgiving break.
Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday. Our district is allowing all students to wear pajamas to school tomorrow for Giving Tuesday. They are requesting each student give $2.00 to participate. The funds will be used to help students in need pay for field trips, yearbooks, student fees, etc. Please read the flyer: Giving Tuesday
Our class goes to the Reindeer Shop on Tuesday. If you want them to participate, please send the provided envelope tomorrow. Please write the names of the people and budget your child is supposed to use at the Reindeer Shop. Thank you.
Practice #10 is in folders today. Also, the December Reading Log went home in folders today. If your child completes this reading log they will get 5 Good Time Tickets. Remember if they submit all of the reading logs from 2nd Nine Weeks (October, November, and December), they will earn a special incentive from our reading coach and librarian in January. Happy Reading!
I wanted to give out a few reminders about jackets-
1. We go outside for recess as long as the “feels like” temperature is above 32 degrees. Please pay attention to the weather and send an appropriate jacket.
2. Keep working with your child on zipping his/her jacket until it is mastered. Thank you! Many of them have it down pat now, which is very helpful as we transition to and from recess.
Thursday, November 21st
Click this link to read next week's newsletter: December 2-6. Thank you for reading the newsletter each week.
Today in your child’s folder you will find a flyer about the Reindeer Shop. Our class will be visiting the Reindeer Shop on Tuesday, December 3rd at 12:00. If you want your child to have the opportunity to shop for family members, please fill out the envelope with the names of people and the amount of money that your child could spend on each person.
Also, in your child’s folder you will find a DIBELS practice packet for your child to complete over the Thanksgiving break. If your child reads all the words 5 times (once per day) by December 1st, I will give your child TEN Good Time Tickets!!! Please initial and date on the sheet each time your child reads all of the words on this page. You can do this! :)
Monday, November 18th
This week in our 95% Phonics Program we are learning letters Ll, Rr, and Oo (short vowel o). Please click this link to find more activities to do with your child: 95% Phonics Activities.
Our first workbook from 95% Phonics will go home tomorrow for you to review and keep at home.
Practice sheet #9 went home in folders today. The Practice Sheet is due back on December 2nd. Please take the time to help your child complete all of the activities on this sheet. It will greatly benefit your child’s learning.
Please label your child's jacket with their first and last name. If the jacket is labeled, it will be easier to find it in the lost and found.
Flu and Illness Reminders:
If your child has a fever he/she must be fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) before returning to school.
Students must also be free of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
Do not be tempted to send your child back to school too soon, children with the flu need time for their body to recover.
Friday, November 15th
Click this link to read next week's newsletter: November 18-22. Thank you for reading the newsletter each week.
As the weather starts to gets cooler, please remember we will go outside daily unless it is raining or the wind chill is below 32. Please send your child a jacket/coat to wear when playing outside. Please label jackets with your child’s name. Please allow your child time to practice putting their jacket on and zipping it multiple times. Each child should be able to put their jacket on and zip it independently. Thank you for helping your child learn this life skill!
Helpful weekend to do list:
1. Wash your child's rest mat and return Monday morning.
2. Have your child practice zipping their coat until they can do it independently 3 times in a row.
3. Finish Practice Sheet #8 and return it to school Monday morning inside your child's Blue Daily Folder.
4. Enjoy the weekend!
Tuesday, November 12th
This week in our 95% Phonics Program we are reviewing letters M,D, G, I, S, H, and B. Please click this link to find more activities to do with your child: 95% Phonics Activities.
Thank you to all who returned Practice Sheet #7 today. Practice Sheet #8 is coming home in your child's folder today. Thank you for spending a little time each day on the Practice Sheet. Remember, if your child is having difficulty reading the "Blending Words" on the Word List, please let them practice reading the words daily. The same goes for sight words. If they are having difficulty reading the sight words on the Word List, please practice them daily with flashcards.
Today we began our sorting unit. We are learning how to 1) sort by one attribute, 2) count the amount in each group, 3) sort the groups by amount. We practiced these skills using M &M’s! The children sorted them by color, then they counted how many of each color they had. Finally, they sorted the color groups by amount. We will sort various objects the rest of this week. By the end of this unit, the children should be able to do our 3-step sort for multiple attributes of the same group of objects.
Progress Reports will be coming home in the Report of Learning Folders on Wednesday, November 13th. Please read the progress report, sign it, and return it to school Friday.
Parents, please help me with the following items:
1. Students need to wear velcro or slip on tennis shoes to school each day.
2. Please do not send your child to school in shoes that have laces. Avoid all boots (slip on and laces) and dress shoes.
3. Send a snack with your child daily. Consider setting an alarm on your phone so you remember to put a snack in your child's backpack each day. Last week, there were a few days when I had anywhere from 2-5 kids without a snack. A local church provides snacks for families who do not have the financial means to provide snacks for their children. However, their snacks are not for children who forget their snack or act like they don't have a snack because they don't like the one they brought from home. If you need help from the local church to provide snacks for your child, please let me know, and I will send home the form to get your family signed up.
Thursday, November 7th
Columbia will be hosting our first STEM Day tomorrow. Please click this link for more information: STEM Day
Here is this week’s newsletter: November 12-15. Thank you for taking a moment to read the newsletter each week to stay informed.
The #1 question this week has been, "Mrs. Hester, when are we going to do the lesson with the M&Ms?!?" They were happy to hear that we are going to use them Tuesday. Thank you for sending some to school. If you forgot, please send a pack or two by Tuesday.
Our class really enjoyed learning about veterans and going to the Veterans parade today. They will also be illustrating a Veterans poem for their Poetry Notebook. You'll want to check those out with your child when their Poetry Notebook comes home!
Reminder: No School on Monday, November 11th in honor of Veteran's Day.
Monday, November 4th
This week in our 95% Phonics Program we are learning the letters Hh and Bb. Please click this link to find more activities to do with your child: 95% Phonics Activities.
Thank you for turning in Practice Sheet #6 today. Practice Sheet #7 is in your child's Daily folder. Here is a link to it, if you are having a difficult time telling what the picture is: Practice #7 If you didn’t send in your child’s Practice Sheet today, please send it tomorrow in their blue Daily Folder.
We resumed checking out books from the library today now that the book fair is over.
Columbia will be hosting STEM Day on November 8th. Please click this link for more information: STEM Day
Columbia Elementary School will be hosting the following events on November 7th in order to honor Veterans Day! Have your child wear red, white, and blue. You are welcome to make a sign for your child to hold during the parade. Please send it on Thursday morning. We'd love to see any veterans from your family drive thru our parade. Let me know if we should expect to see you.
The eS2S Astro Ambassadors will be handing out thank you cards to families with Veterans during the morning car line! Cars will put their flashers on to signal that they have a Veteran in their family.
There will be a drive-thru parade at CES for our students to honor Veterans from 9:00a.m.-9:20a.m. in the back car line area. Please see the flyer for more information.
Students are encouraged to invite a veteran friend or family member to eat lunch with them on the CES stage on November 9th. Veterans can purchase a lunch at the school for $4.75 or bring their own lunch! Please see the flyer for more information.
No School on Monday, November 11th in honor of Veteran's Day.
Reminder: When looking through your child's Halloween candy, please send 1- 2 packages of the FunSize plain M&Ms in your child's folder for us to use for a math lesson. Thank you!!
Friday, November 1st
Click this link to read next week's newsletter: November 4-8. Thank you for reading the newsletter each week.
I wanted to express the importance of our students arriving on time each day. When they start their morning at school promptly, it gives them a calm and focused beginning, allowing them to fully engage with the day’s lessons right from the start. Missing those first few minutes can make a real difference, as it often means they're joining us mid-lesson, feeling rushed or struggling to catch up. I know mornings can be challenging, and we appreciate all you do to support your child’s education. By ensuring they arrive on time, you’re helping them build strong habits that set them up for success throughout the day and the year. Thank you so much for your understanding and support in this.
Request: When looking through your child's Halloween candy, please send 1- 2 packages of the FunSize plain M&Ms (please no peanut) in your child's folder for us to use next week for a math lesson. We will be using the candy to learn how to do a 3 step sort. Thank you!!
Reminder: Thank you to everyone who has completed the Impact Aid survey. If you have not completed this very important form please do so immediately. Here is a link to help you find the form: How to fill out impact aid form
Helpful Things To Do:
- Have your child practice putting on their jacket, zipping their jacket, and taking off their jacket independently. If you do it for your child every time you are together, then they won't know how to do it when they are at school without you. Thank you for letting them practice so they can become independent.
- Have your child practice rolling up their rest mat.
- Make sure your child has a change of clothes in their backpack. It would be helpful for the outfit to be appropriate for the season.