• Madison City Schools Guidelines for Respiratory Illnesses:

    Madison City Schools follows the CDC's Respiratory Virus Guidance for illnesses such as Covid-19, Influenza (flu) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

    For respiratory illnesses such as Covid-19, flu or RSV, individuals may return to school and school-sponsored activities when both are true for at least 24 hours:

    • Your symptoms are getting better overall, AND
    • You have not had a fever of 100.0 F or greater (and you are not using fever-reducing medication.)

    Please see MCS Communicable Disease Policy for any questions you may have as to when your child can return to school and other activities.

    *Masks are optional for students, staff members, and individuals on MCS campuses and buses.

    For more information on preventing the spread of respiratory viruses, please see the CDC website or contact your health care provider.

    A COVID-19 positive test result will be excused as a "Doctor's note/Medical Excuse" only with documentation of the positive test from a healthcare provider or test center. 

    All other COVID-19 related absences (reported with a positive home test or without documentation of positive testing) will be considered a "Parent Excuse".

    Respiratory Virus Guidance