• Definition of Gifted

    Intellectually gifted children and youth are those who perform or who have demonstrated the potential to perform at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment. These children and youth require services not ordinarily provided by the regular school program. Children and youth possessing these abilities can be found in all populations, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor. Gifted students may be found within any race, ethnicity, gender, economic class, or nationality. In addition, some students with disabilities may be gifted. Madison City Schools shall prohibit discrimination against any students on the above basis with respect to his/her participation in the gifted program.

    Provided Services

    • Consultation services offered for K-2.
    • Collaboration services for general education teachers across grade levels concerning meeting the needs of high-end learners in the general education classroom.
    • Second Grade Child Find: All second graders are observed throughout their second grade year using state mandated protocol.
    • Pullout services for grades 3-5: Students can be referred for screening at any time from third-fifth grade by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents or guardians, peers, self, and other individuals with knowledge of the student’s abilities. These pullout services provide curriculum that is concept and problem based as well as provide the social and emotional support gifted learners often need.
    • Sixth grade Innovative Explorations elective course offered for gifted qualified students.
    • Advanced courses offered for grades 7-12. 

    Referral Procedures

    Second Grade Child Find

    During the first semester, second-grade teachers (and other staff who might come in contact with second graders) will observe the students in their classrooms and note any gifted behaviors. Teachers use a state department required indicators list to track gifted behaviors and the Gifted Specialist will present a series of lessons designed to elicit work samples for potential referrals.

    Standard Referrals

    Students in grades third-fifth may be referred for gifted services by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents or guardians, peers, self, and other individuals with knowledge of the student’s abilities. Standard referral processes have a timeline of 90 days and consist of several assessments, work samples, and behavior scales completed by a Gifted Referral Screening Team.