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MCS Salutes Veterans

Veterans Day tributes were on full display this week  throughout Madison City Schools.
Parades, honor walls, poster-lined car lines, packed gymnasium programs, and special breakfasts and lunches were among the observances saluting our veterans.
Every campus paid tributes in some form or fashion.
Parents and grandparents who are veterans attended many of the ceremonies, often walking or being driven through a lineup of cheering students. 
Liberty Middle gave a reception to a bus load of veterans from the Tut Fann Veterans Nursing Home, who then joined other veteran family members of LMS students in an assembly in the gym. During that program, World War II-veteran Walt Siffringer was presented a special quilt from the Quilts of Valor Foundation.
MCS employees who served were honored in special recognitions at schools. The transportation department paid tribute to bus drivers and support staff who served.
Madison City Schools extends heartfelt gratitude to all veterans, past and present, for their service. Your sacrifices to serve country are not taken for granted.

veterans marching down hall at Madison Elementary with kids along walls waving and clapping

kids along walls at Madison Elementary holding up thank you signs to veterans

teachers leading procession of veterans down the halls of Madison Elementary

aging vet presented quilt at Liberty Middle

Veteran greeted by Principal Shannon Brown and student at Liberty Middle

kids sitting on sidewalk waving miniature American flags

Dr. Nichols addressing crowd at Heritage Elementary

parade walking in front of Heritage Elementary led by James Clemens cheerleaders

Veterans walking in parade

students with flags and thank you posters

Parade trailer with flag banners carrying veterans

honor guard with flags standing before the parade lineup at Columbia Elementary

kids lining parade route at Columbia Elementary

veterans including Board member Alice Lessmann standing with ROTC honor guard

kids reciting pledge with hands over heart

Sign in school saying Never Forget Their Sacrifice For Us

color guard marching in parade at Mill Creek Elementary

Veterans who work at Mill Creek Elementary shown with Principal Nathan Wilson and Superintendent Dr. Ed Nichols

vets marching with students and faculty waving from sides

students holding a large banner that says Thanks

veteran waving while walking through the lineup of students in the Mill Creek Elementary parade

veterans who are bus drivers encircled around a flagpole with schoolbus in background

students in gym filled with students and families walking across floor with wreath

soldier in uniform speaking to gym at Discovery Middle about serving in the Army

veterans standing to be recognized in the Discovery Middle gym

wide angle pic of the Discovery Middle gym filled with veterans, students and the Discovery Middle band

gym ceremony at Liberty Middle for veterans

veterans standing to be recognized at gym ceremony at Liberty Middle

wall of heroes photos at Madison Elementary

Teacher and sons with blown of picture of husband/father who is serving at the Pentagon