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MCS 25th Legacy Celebration
A packed crowd gathered in CrossPointe Church for the program. This school year begins the 26th for Madison City Schools as a school district. Part of the program was a look back at the citizen-led movement to break away from the county and form an independent school district. Another focus was on where we are and where we are going.

Since its inaugural year in 1998-1999, MCS has grown from six schools and 5,600 students to 12 schools and nearly 13,000 students.
The star of the video is former Heritage Elementary and now Liberty Middle 6th grader Caroline Turner, who walks viewers through a brief then-and now as a school system. The video also includes brief interviews with Dr. Henry Clark (first superintendent of Madison City Schools) and Marc Jacobson, a leader in the movement to create an independent Madison City Schools district.
Dr. Nichols' remarks reflected on the historic communitywide support for our schools, dedicated teachers and employees, the performance of our students, enrollment trends, how MCS stacks up against other schools in funding, test scores and more. He made a compelling case that top ranking MCS performs exceptionally well even with rankings far below many other Alabama school systems in multiple funding categories. Madison County Record story here.
MCS thanks the chamber and all of the Community Partners for their strong support for our schools.
Mayor Paul Finley Presents Proclamation to Superintendent Dr. Ed Nichols
BOE President Tim Holtcamp with LMS student Caroline Turner
Shelia Nash Stevenson (1st BOE member), Tish King (charter MCS employee) and Debbie Overcash (longtime school and community volunteer).
Mayor Paul Finley, with former Madison City Councilmembers Sally Warden and Marc Jacobson who were active in the formation of MCS.
Student Caroline Turner with her parents, Abby and Richard Turner, and Superintendent Dr. Ed Nichols.
Former Madison Councilman Greg Curtis( who voted for the creation of MCS), and current BOE members Tim Holtcamp (president) and Travis Cummings (VP)
Currrent MCS elementary principals at the legacy celebration
Assistant Superintendent Mr. Eric Terrell with BOE member Tommy Overcash